Update as of Monday 29th April

A lot of things have been happening since I last updated. My care co ordinator that I have had for year and half has left his current job – and I will miss his therapy work. I have worries about my new care co ordinator, especially considering it’s a female. I am not too sure if I get on with female care co ordinators. I am usually more open to males, for some weird reason. We shall see how it happens.

I have randomly managed to consume loads of pen pals. I am not entirely sure how I am going to keep up with them! But hey ho that’s life.

I have also managed to get a volunteer job at a cattery, yay for me! I have also been randomly applying for other volunteer jobs. I am not sure if I have put too much hard work in for myself when I am still coming down from hypomania. How long have been in this episode, bloody forever! I feel like it might crash down on me.

Also, I got a prescription today – and consultant wrote the prescription wrong. I only realised this when I got home. Not sure whether to go to CMHT or not tomorrow and moan. Mind you have a course on bipolar tomorrow. Yawn

Hypomania at it’s best (26th February)

I was up early for once, must be the hypomania. I started the day off by catching up with The Following and Nikita TV shows, although I was easily distracted. I kept stopping and starting when I felt the need to do something else.

I saw my care co ordinator , and he said I was hypomanic, and was bollocked for not taking my clonazepam properly. Also, told me to do things that would destimulate my mind and body. I was like seriously, I AM ABSOLUTELY FINE! I was always joyfully laughing during my appointment! Apparently there is a difference between my nervous laughter and my hypomanic laughter. When I was waiting for my prescription in consultant’s room, I pretty much walked out of room fast and nearly walked into door when getting out of the waiting room, as you have to press a lovely green button. 

When I am “normal” and suffer from anxiety my mind usually goes blank, so now I am hypomanic my mind won’t stop thinking. How annoying. 

I remember a while ago, last year, the weeks when i was hypomanic, my diary was fully packed, literally. It is quite interesting what hypomania does to you…

So I went off to collect prescription, got that… and ended up randomly buy things randomly when hypomanic – went into Tescos and bought more food, even though I have already got lots of food at home.